Knowledge Center

2021 Global Shipping Pains Explained

2021 Global Shipping Pains Explained

In an effort to help explain why our metal panel shipments are delayed, and why some products take longer than others, we’ve put together a short explanation of how worldwide shipping issues affect our metal panels, and so much more. Not just Metal Panels, Virtually...
Kynar 500 Explained – How Can Metal Roofing Last for Decades? (2021)

Kynar 500 Explained – How Can Metal Roofing Last for Decades? (2021)

When homeowners look at painted products, often it’s the color they focus on – will it have great curb appeal and match their tastes? But, at Metal Roofing Source, we know there’s more to it than being pretty, and that’s why we sell products that use Kynar, a PVDF...
Metal Roof vs. Shingles – Cost Comparison (2021)

Metal Roof vs. Shingles – Cost Comparison (2021)

Clichés work because they’re true. Like, “you get what you pay for.” When it comes to a metal roof vs. shingles, that cliché is as true as it gets. Being metal roofing pros, we’re used to the sticker-shocked reaction metal roofing prices may receive, but then our...
5 Reasons to Roof with Centura Metal Shingles

5 Reasons to Roof with Centura Metal Shingles

When choosing a roofing material to invest in, don’t forget to ask yourself how many more times you want to make that choice. Because, if you like that kind of thing, great, but if you’d like to avoid ever make roof-installation decisions again, then we highly...
How to Convince Your HOA to Allow a Metal Roof

How to Convince Your HOA to Allow a Metal Roof

Metal roofing has come a long way over the 20 years, but it’s sometimes still challenging to get a homeowner’s association onboard for metal roofs. The strange thing is, it’s the smartest roofing choice for any close-knit community, because metal roofs are best able...
Benefits of Metal Roofing in Wildland Urban Interface Areas

Benefits of Metal Roofing in Wildland Urban Interface Areas

The world’s population is increasing exponentially, and this increase has led to communities developing within forested areas. This leads to zones that are being designated as Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI). Due to the nature of WUI, construction material must...